Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park (the “True African Wilderness”) is one of Uganda’s less known yet naturally blessed protected areas with several animal species roaming in vast stretches of savannah surrounded by mountains and hills giving it picturesque landscapes. And don’t forget about the cultural experiences unique to this setting! This makes it an ideal travel destination for the adventurous traveller.

Kidepo Valley National Park’s Landscapes and Scenery:

Scope of view is everything at Kidepo Valley National Park. The central geographical feature 2,750 metre high Morungole Mountain has a commanding position which you can appreciate from remote valleys or wide plains all around. The Kidepo and Narus rivers make life possible for animal species in this environment by providing water on their sterile inland grasslands.

Wildlife at Kidepo Valley National Park:

Kidepo is an excellent place for wildlife encounters. Over 75 species of mammals and over 470 bird species have been identified in the park. Visitors can expect to see lions, elephants, zebras, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, as well as greater kudus and hyenas. For the birder, the ostrich, Kori bustard, and Abyssinian ground hornbill can be spotted here.

Kidepo Valley National Park Cultural Experiences:

Kidepo is surrounded by Karamojong people, who maintain their traditional way of life. Visitors can interact with the nearby communities, absorbing local traditions and customs and picking up authentic handicrafts.

Activities in Kidepo Valley National Park:

The primary means of touring Kidepo is the game drive, which gets visitors up close to wildlife in its natural surroundings. Walking tours and birdwatching are also available, as are visits to local villages where you might take part in traditional activities such as visiting a traditional witch doctor. For the more adventurous, climbing Morungole 2,750-meter-high peak would be a satisfying challenge!

Safaris to Kidepo Valley National Park
18 Days Rwanda and Uganda Safari
Embark on this amazing 16 Day Rwanda and Uganda Safari and explore some of the most intriguing destinations in East Africa.