Budongo Forest

Journey into the heart of Uganda’s lush wilderness and discover the enchanting Budongo Forest, a haven for primates and a treasure collection of biodiversity. Located within the Murchison Falls National Park conservation area, this ancient rainforest offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in nature’s embrace and witness the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Chimpanzee Trekking in Budongo Forest

Chimpanzee tracking is the highlight of Budongo Forest, and it offers a chance to observe these intelligent and playful primates in their natural habitat. Led by experienced guides, you will enter the forest’s depths, tracking the chimpanzees and observing their fascinating behaviours. Witness their playful interactions, listen to their calls echoing through the trees, and marvel at their incredible flexibility as they swing from branch to branch.

Budongo Forest is not only home to chimpanzees but also boasts a rich diversity of other wildlife including the black-and-white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, olive baboons, and various bird species, including the rare chocolate-backed kingfisher. The forest’s dense undergrowth and towering trees create a haven for countless species, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

Nature Walks and Forest Trails in Budongo Forest

Explore Budongo Forest’s well-maintained trails, winding through the dense vegetation and leading to hidden treasures and scenic viewpoints. Take a leisurely nature walk, guided by knowledgeable guides and rangers who will share insights into the forest’s unique ecosystem and the importance of conservation efforts.

Safaris to Budongo Forest
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