Mabamba Swamp

Mabamba Swamp: The Importance of a Ugandan Wetland

Mabamba Wetland is located beyond on the northern shore of Lake Victoria in Uganda and is also considered an ecologically significant habitat for birds. It is a Ramsar Site and an Important Bird Area. This swamp is inhabited among other things by the rare and enigmatic shoebill stork, which is the most famous bird-watching attraction of this reserve.

Mabamba Swamp is home to more than 300 species of birds, making it a haven for both bird enthusiasts and researchers. In addition to the shoebill, which is the star attraction for many visitors to this site, there are various types of waterfowl, herons, egrets, and kingfishers – almost all avian species you can think of. Otters and monitor lizards are other animals native to Mabamba Swamp.

In 2006, the Ramsar Convention designated the site a Wetland of International Importance due to its great biodiversity and the presence of globally endangered species such as the shoebill stork. The Convention thus recognised how vital such swamps are in maintaining ecological balance among life forms generally.

The Shoebill Storks in Mabamba

The shoebill, with its appearance, is the prize bird for any birder coming to Uganda – this being the first nation one can really get to see it in numbers over what one would otherwise think. It is vulnerable, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and found only in a few localities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Mabamba Swamp offers one of the best chances to observe these magnificent creatures still doing rather well in their natural environment and to study their behaviour up close.

Safaris to Mabamba Swamp
22 Days Uganda Birding Safari
This 22 Days Uganda Birding Safari uncovers Uganda's Best Birding Spots, with over 1,000 species recorded.
15 Days Uganda Safari
This 15 Days Uganda Safari takes you to some of the best national parks and attraction in the county.