Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park derives its name from the Murchison Falls where the mighty River Nile explodes through a 7 meters wide and 43 meters-high gorge and flows down to become a placid river whose banks are thronged with hippos, crocodiles, waterbucks, and buffaloes. The vegetation is characterised by savannah, riverine forest, and woodland. Wildlife includes lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, hartebeests, oribis, Uganda kobs, chimpanzees and many bird species including the rare shoebill.

Game Drives in Murchison Falls National Park

In the cool early morning before the sun rises too high, you will see plenty of game on the Buligi, Albert and Queen’s tracks north of the River Nile. At Nyamusika Cliffs you can picnic, enjoy the view and watch elephants and other game on the grassy hillsides. Go well-prepared for a four-hour game drive.

Sport Fishing in Murchison Falls National Park

Nile Perch and tiger-fish provide an exciting challenge to anglers. Sport fishing is possible in the river sections above and below the falls. Prior booking with the park has to be made, as the number of people doing sport fishing at designated sites at any time has to be regulated. Bring your fishing equipment. Some boats are available for hire on prior booking.

Launch Trips on the Nile

One of the highlights of a visit to Murchison Falls National Park is the launch trip from Paraa to the foot of Murchison Falls. Hippos and crocodiles are abundant, and you will see elephants, buffaloes, waterbucks, and a variety of birds like herons, cormorants, ducks, bee-eaters, fish eagles, kingfishers and sometimes the rare shoebill.

The launch trip from Paraa to the falls (17km) and back takes about three hours. A boat trip from Paraa to the Delta (28km) and back takes about four to five hours and you can see a similar variety of animals and birds. The boat trip is scheduled for 0900hr and 1400hr every day. 

Nature Walks

Murchison Falls Protected Area offers the opportunity to explore the wild on foot. Animals, birds and plants can be closely and quietly observed. Nature walks are offered at Rabongo Forest, Top of the Falls and Kaniyo Pabidi in Budongo Forest.

Top of the Falls

Trails around the top of the Falls go right up to the water’s edge. You have the opportunity to hike to the top of the falls from the boat landing and to get close to the narrow gorge through which the river explodes into the falls.

Kaniyo Pabidi

Kaniyo Pabidi is an undisturbed area of natural forest within Budongo Forest Reserve, where you can walk beneath mature mahogany and ironwood trees. Chimpanzee tracking is the most famous activity. You certainly see many forest birds, including the chocolate-backed kingfisher, the white-thighed hornbill and Puvel’s illadopsis found nowhere else in East Africa. Kaniyo Pabidi is on Masindi-Paraa Road, 8kms from Kichumbanyobo Gate.

Rabongo Forest

Rabongo Forest Ecotourism Centre is situated on an island of tropical riverine forest in the southeast of the Protected Area. The forest is surrounded by savannah grassland and is 1 and a half-hour’s drive from Paraa. Guides will help you explore the forest on foot, spotting primates like black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, baboons and occasionally chimpanzees, identifying animals, birds, medicinal plants, and trees.

Safaris to Murchison Falls National Park
22 Days Uganda Birding Safari
This 22 Days Uganda Birding Safari uncovers Uganda's Best Birding Spots, with over 1,000 species recorded.
19 Days Uganda and Rwanda Wildlife Adventure Safari
Book this 19 Days Uganda and Rwanda Wildlife Adventure Safari to explore the beautiful nature and wildlife of Africa.
15 Days Uganda Safari
This 15 Days Uganda Safari takes you to some of the best national parks and attraction in the county.
18 Days Rwanda and Uganda Safari
Embark on this amazing 16 Day Rwanda and Uganda Safari and explore some of the most intriguing destinations in East Africa.
13 Days Uganda and Rwanda Safari
Venture into East Africa on a 13 Days Uganda and Rwanda Safari exploring the diverse landscapes.
6 Days Uganda Wildlife and Primate Safari
This 6 Days Uganda Wildlife and Primate Safari adventure takes you to some of Uganda's top attractions. Book Now!